Social Sustainability
Spreading the culture of wellbeing also means caring for our employees with social, historical and scientific projects.

FONDAZIONE UNIFARCO lends its ongoing support to social and humanitarian projects both in Italy and abroad. The Foundation is a private law non-profit institution which was set up to:
- take part both directly and indirectly in projects whose sole aims are social solidarity and humanitarian work in education, welfare and health, leisure activities, medical and scientific research;
- take part in social and welfare initiatives and projects, acting with humanity and discretion.
The main beneficiaries of the Foundation are Unifarco employees and pharmacists and their families.

UNIFARCO supporting culture
Unifarco’s mission is to promote wellbeing and, as a result, we are involved in publishing projects and partnerships to raise awareness of culture and scientific research. We have built a faithful reproduction of an ancient nineteenth-century pharmacy at headquarters to give visitors a glimpse of the life and work of the pharmacist at the dawn of modern day.
We publish a quarterly magazine, Farmacisti Preparatori, with information, interesting facts and seasonal health and wellbeing advice. We also contribute to the journal of the Italian Academy of the History of Pharmacy "Atti e Memorie".

Italian Red Cross
Every year, Unifarco and its pharmacists support the Italian Red Cross, a voluntary organisation which works in the community to provide healthcare for the needy.
International projects
From 1984 to 2005 Unifarco was involved in setting up a laboratory for the production of pharmaceuticals and in training staff at the Wamba missionary hospital in Kenya which, with its 200 beds, serves a population of over 200,000. Today the Wamba hospital pharmacy operates independently.
The 200-bed hospital serves a population of over 200,000. Today the hospital pharmacy operates independently.
In 2005, Unifarco teamed up with the Italian Rotary Club to launch the Ikonda Pharmacy project in southern Tanzania at an altitude of 2000 metres and 800 km from the capital. It involved refurbishing the pharmacy next to the district hospital owned by the Missionari della Consolata and run by the Italian organisation Amici di Ikonda Hospital. It is a facility that serves over 100,000 people who are extremely poor and often in a precarious state of health, also due to the AIDS epidemic. The pharmacy has been run independently by the Tanzanian authorities since 2019.

Lavoro associato
We work with this cooperative to help rehabilitate and then reintroduce people who are marginalised or have severe disabilities into the world of work.
Assisted working groups come into the company to provide services or produce items we need or they make them directly in the prisons in the Belluno area.

La forza e il sorriso ONLUS
La Forza e il Sorriso (Strength and a Smile) is a non-profit organisation which lends its moral and psychological support to women undergoing cancer therapy in different hospital departments.
Its aim is to support women in therapy by running “beauty workshops” where they can try moisturisers, lip glosses and eyeshadows and learn to use these rather unusual “weapons” to fight the disease and cover the secondary effects of the treatment.
Many make-up manufacturers, including Unifarco, contribute to this extraordinary project by donating resources and products.